AP Computer Science: Quiz on Designing Classes – The BowlScores Class


A BowlScores object keeps track of a bowler’s name, number of games bowled and the scores for those games. The handling of this data will be as follows.


Data Members

private String name; // name of the bowler

private int numGames; // the number of games bowled

private int[] gameScores; // list of scores for the bowler  



public BowlScores(String nm, int nGames)

// Sets name to nm, numGames to nGames and sizes the array to nGames


Accessor Methods

public String getName()

// Returns the name of the bowler


public int getNumGames()

// Returns the number of games stored in the object


public int[] getBowlScores()

// Returns an array containing all of the bowling scores


public int getScore(int n)

// Returns bowling score n from gameScores


public int getTotal()

// Returns the total of all scores in gameScores


public double getAverage()

// Returns the average of all scores in gameScores


Modifier Methods

public void setName(String nm)

// Sets the name to the value in String nm


public void setGameScore(int gameNum, int newScore)

// Sets game gameNum in gameScores to the score newScore


Additional Method

public String toString()

// Returns a String containing the object’s data

// The result should be as shown in the example below


Bowler: Chuck

Game 1: 178

Game 2: 192

Game 3: 185

Game 4: 183

Total: 738

Average: 184.5